[Play Report - 2] The Lotus Plantation

tl;dr of player tactics Know that in the halcyon days of year 3995 of Solon, in the middle of the waxing spring month of Peritios, the following occurred. After their excursion to the cavern hidden in the cliff-face overlooking the sea of lost days, the company of Esen the Etunian, Kyrene the Borrower, Arkesilas the Fighting-Man, and Gao the Imperial Theurge returned to Zyana and spent two week's time schmoozing and boozing. Esen rented a horse from a stable and practiced a famed maneuver from his homeland where he would shoot his bow at a target directly behind him from horseback. The company's plan was to obtain passage from Zyana to the isle of Cahli in search of the daughter of the merchant Carthallo. The rest of the group had learned that the missing girl's name was Maia, that they could join the merchant vessel The Shimmering Eel on its voyage to Cahli, and that two brave souls would join their company on their quest for riches. One was the Amazonian scout Melesi...